Home Improvement

City Life: Can the CDBG Program Help Me Make Home Improvements?

Are you wondering how you can make home improvements with some outside financial assistance? If you’re interested in the CDBG program and other assistive programs, keep reading.

One of the biggest issues homeowners face is being able to afford to make the improvements their home needs using professional services. Luckily, there may be grants available to you in your location to help you handle the costs of repairs and remodels. To learn more about this option and whether you qualify, keep reading this helpful guide.

Home Improvement Grants: The Basics

There are many different government-funded grants out there that can help homeowners who need to update their property, however, not everyone or every project will be eligible for certain grants. It’s important to note that these grants tend to be highly competitive and are designed to assist improvements that will specifically ensure that the home updates will make the property more accessible, safe, livable, and non-hazardous to those living on the property. These grants are also referred to as home repair grants.

Home improvement grants differ by region. However, as long as the project, as well as the applicant, meet the requirements, they will not need to pay the grant back.

How to Find the Best Grant for You

There are many different grants available and you should search for the right one for you based on your own unique circumstances.

For example, some grants will be designated for certain home repairs whereas others will be aimed at assisting low-income homeowners. You can also fill out an application form with the National Residential Improvement Association in which you tell them about your property, the projects, and improvements you hope to take on, as well as the history of the home. This is a helpful step in the process because it can point you in the right direction.

After submitting this form, a specialist from the NRIA can get back to you with information regarding the potential grants you may be eligible for based on your unique circumstances. They can also give you additional information such as tax credits you may be able to receive, or home improvement loans you may be legible for instead. They may also be able to direct you to discount programs or local incentives that your area offers that could help you either reduce or completely cover the costs of your upcoming home improvement project.

Head to House Hunters for more options.

CDBG Program: Who Does it Assist?

The CDBG program, or Community Development Block Grants, is specifically assigned to those that are hoping to buy, build, or fix public facilities such as sewer and water systems. For this reason, those that receive these grants can use the funding to meet community development needs. This grant covers the cost of utility repairs that can improve water treatment, create new water sources, or replace the piping in the distribution systems.

If this sounds like it could help you with your upcoming project, reach out and apply for the grant today. For more, head to the “Business” section of our site.

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