Social Media

4 Mistakes You’re Making On Instagram

You’re already trying to create a community of fans and followers on Instagram. However, you might be committing some grave mistakes. Many bloggers and startups make these same mistakes, which is unfortunate. We hate seeing people wasting their time and money, so this is where this article comes in. Today, we will share with you four common mistakes you may be making on Instagram that you should avoid now. 

Not Using Your Bio 

A bio should be part of all of your social media platforms, including Instagram. It’s a great opportunity to showcase what you do and how to reach you, such as by telling people about your services or adding some link in your bio. If you don’t have a website or blog, use this space to describe what your business does and how someone could reach out for more information. In addition, if there is a call-to-action in your bio (such as “shop now”), make sure it is clickable so that people on mobile devices can take action. 

Your bio is considered as one of the most essential parts of every Instagram account. It’s the first thing people see when they visit your profile, so if you don’t use it correctly, you’ll miss out on many opportunities. The first step to using the bio correctly is adding some text. Don’t leave it blank because that looks unprofessional and lazy.

Hashtags That Don’t Make Sense 

It is important to use hashtags on Instagram if you want to get engagement. You can use them in your captions and also in your bio, but there are some mistakes that many people make when using hashtags. One common mistake is adding irrelevant hashtags to a post or profile. For example, if you’re posting about ice cream and then adding a hashtag like #fashion or #travel, it doesn’t make sense because those categories don’t relate to ice cream. 

When you use hashtags that don’t make sense, it can hurt your engagement and also annoy your followers. You’re better off sticking with a few relevant hashtags that are directly related to the post or profile you’re advertising. If you are new to Instagram (or social media as a whole) and you don’t know how to use hashtags, you can always check some tutorials or YouTube video ideas that discuss this topic. These resources will definitely help you get started.

Not Adding Relevant Contacts 

Another common mistake is not adding relevant contacts to your accounts. When you’re trying to reach a specific audience, and you don’t add the right people, it can be like shooting in the dark. It would be best if you had a plan of action before you start advertising with hashtags, or else you’ll waste time and money on ads that aren’t effective. 

Writing Bad Captions 

A good caption is crucial for engaging users. If it’s poorly written or doesn’t make sense, people won’t click on your ad or follow through with the call-to-action. Writing a captivating caption that makes people want to know more about what you’re offering is essential. 

If you write a terrible caption, your good ad will never matter and will be left unnoticed. A poorly written caption can turn people off and cause them to click away from your ad without ever reading the rest of what you have to say.

If you’re making these mistakes on Instagram, you’re missing out on many potential followers and engagement. This is all unnecessary, and it shouldn’t happen! Understanding what works and what doesn’t is sometimes challenging. But, if your goal is growing your Instagram account – whether it is for personal or business use – then you need to take action now, so we hope this article helps you out.

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Flame Of Trend

Flameoftrend is the world’s largest, most popular trend community. We leverage big data, human researchers to identify consumer insights and deep dive opportunities for the world’s most innovative companies, with our research.

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