
5 Beginner Tips For Collecting Antiques

If you’ve ever seen an episode of a popular antique series like American Pickers or Antiques Roadshow, you know how intriguing the world of collecting can be. It can be fun to imagine yourself stumbling across a major find in your local antique shop, but the chances of that happening might seem slim if you’re a newcomer to the world of collecting antiques.

However, you shouldn’t let inexperience hold you back! Whether you’re in it for the thrill of the chase or you’re looking for a new hobby, finding antiques can be both fun and lucrative with a few simple strategies. Here’s what you should know to get started.

1. Know What “Antique” Means

Many people use the term “antique” interchangeably with other terms like “collectibles” or “vintage,” but it’s important to note the difference.

According to U.S. tax laws, the term “antique” defines items that are 100 years old or older. More recent items may be in-demand and collectible, but in technical terms, they’re considered “vintage,” not antique. Remembering this difference can help you identify the age of the item and figure out its value.

2. Understand the Basics of Valuation

As a beginner looking at an antique item for the first time, it can be hard to understand how a professional buyer or seller might value it. However, getting to know the factors to consider during appraisals can help. These factors include details like the item’s rarity, age, condition, and any restorations.Also read crackstream.

3. Consider Your Goals for Collecting Antiques

Why are you looking for antiques? Knowing your goals can help you decide what to keep an eye out for.

Are you seeking pieces to add to a personal collection as a fun hobby? Do you want to invest in expensive antiques as a long-term source of household value? Do you want to decorate your home in a certain style?

Your goals can guide the types of antiques you should look for. They can help you decide how much to focus on the value of your antiques over their appearance, for example, as well as which styles and eras you should look for.

4. Get Familiar With the History of Your Antique Collections

Whatever types of antiques you’d like to collect, it can be a great help to brush up on the history of the pieces in question.

If you’re interested in ancient Chinese art, for example, it helps to know how to recognize the dynasty in which an item was made. If you’re looking at antique equestrian paintings, it’s helpful to be familiar with the most common types of paints, frames, and subject matter.

Beyond helping you recognize the best antiques at a glance, this knowledge can also help you spot a fake!

5. Know What Not to Collect

Certain antiques are illegal to own, sell, or buy.

For example, eagle feathers, items made with ivory, and Native American artifacts have specific regulations in the U.S. In addition, some states require owners of antique firearms to follow the same regulations you’d follow to own a modern weapon.Also check tombolasports.

Be sure to know the legality of any purchased item up front!

Dive Into Antique Collecting

Now that you know the basics of how to collect antiques, it’s time to get started. Collecting antiques can be a great way to learn the fascinating history of a wide range of items—and to turn a profit while you’re at it. Be sure to check out your local antique shops, thrift stores, estate sales, flea markets, and other venues as you set off on your journey!

Looking for more tips to help you make a quick buck? Take a look at our other financial guides for additional insights.

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