
What To Look For In A Daycare Center

There are around 635,099 daycare centers in the U.S, which shows you must take time finding the perfect one for your child’s needs.

Daycare centers should be a nourishing environment where children can learn and bond with one another. Perhaps you’ve been browsing different options, but you’re not exactly sure what to look for in one.

Sounds like you? Don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place. Here is everything you need to know.

Great Reviews

When you Google “daycare near me,” it’s important to consider the reviews. But aside from checking out the, hopefully, positive reviews, you should also ask the daycare for references.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to other parents to ask for honest feedback. Note that you shouldn’t turn down a daycare simply because it has one or two negative reviews as no provider is perfect.

Low Child-to-Caregiver Ratio

The best daycare center, like, will have a low child-to-caregiver ratio. Ideally, you want to see a large number of caregivers compared to kids so you know your little one is looked after.

You should also ask the preschool about their turnover rate. It’s best if children are with a caregiver for at least a year so they can form a bond.


Another crucial element of choosing a preschool center is its cleanliness. The room must be spotless, the diapering and food prep areas are separate, and caregivers regularly wash their hands.

If you’re unsure, check the toys to see how clean each one is. This will indicate how much care goes into creating a sanitary environment for their kids.

Clear Safety Measures

Aside from cleanliness, the daycare center should also uphold clear safety measures. For example, there should be covers on electrical outlets, cribs should be kept away from blinds, and stairs should be off-limits.

Further, check that small toys aren’t left out as they could be a choking hazard.

How Staff Treat Kids

On your visit, pay attention to how the caregivers act with the kids. A sign of a good daycare center is when the staff is playing with the kids and treating them with warmth and respect.

Note, loving relationships are crucial for babies and toddlers so staff should be paying them plenty of attention.

Licensed and Accredited

Every state has requirements for operating a daycare so ask for proof. This license proves that the daycare center is safe and follows particular regulations. And, although it’s not a legal requirement, ask each candidate whether they are accredited as it proves that they are safe for your little one.

Find a Daycare Center Today

Hopefully, this guide has helped you find the perfect daycare center for your little one.

It’s important that the daycare center has great reviews, implements safety measures, and is spotless. You should also consider the number of caregivers on the premises and how they treat the kids. Good luck with your search!

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