
Overview Of Age Verification Solution In 2021

Age verification solution helps businesses to restrict minors from access to adult-oriented products and services.

A large number of online retailers are selling age-restricted products and services on the internet. While minors can easily access online gaming, alcohol, and adult content websites. Manual age verification checks and checkboxes are not enough for online age verification. There is a need to adopt an effective mechanism for online merchants to verify their end user’s in real-time. Businesses need to integrate adequate age verification services to verify customers before selling age-limited products and fulfill the legal obligations of the law.

What is Age Verification Online?

Online age verification is a mechanism that prevents minors from accessing age-restricted products while authenticating that customers are above the permitted age limit. It is crucial for online businesses to authenticate the age of their customers to deliver the age-restricted product to the right audience. Online age verification is the better choice for online businesses. It provides a secure platform for children to perform age-limited online activities while observing the requirements of regulatory authorities. 


Online Age Verification vs Manual Age Verification

With the emergence of age-restricted products, age verification has become a usual practice. Alcohol and drug selling stores usually don’t sell their product to minors as it is prohibited by law. According to the US food and drug regulatory authority, it is illegal to sell drugs to any customer below 21. These regulations are easily implemented for offline stores as the age verification is done in the presence of the customer physically. When it comes to online age verification, it becomes a crucial challenge.

The situation becomes serious when the online stores only require a login to grant them access to their products. There is a desperate need to protect minors from the consumption of illegal products as it will harm their health. Online age verification solutions integrated with the advanced facial biometric features will help online merchants to verify the age the end-users age in real-time. Online age verification with artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms identifies the teenager and an adult accurately.

How Online Age Verification is Performed?

Online age verification helps online vendors onboard customers that fulfill the legal age limit while restricting the access of minors. 

Age verification consists of four steps given below:

  • At first, the end user is required to submit the end user’s date of birth details.
  • After that, the end-user displays his identity document to the camera.
  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology reads the date of birth details and calculates the age of the end-user.
  • The age verification system verifies the end-user if his age is above the required age limit.    

Use Cases of Online Age Verification For Gaming

Statistics show that E-sports viewers are anticipated to reach 300 million by 2023 worldwide. With the rapidly increasing gaming community worldwide there is a significant challenge for the gaming industry to address. The challenge is to provide age-restricted games to suitable audiences so that it doesn’t negatively affect the children.

Poker Games

Poker is a type of gambling game. These games usually include online card games. It is popular for making instant money. Statistics show that the online gambling market is expected to reach 72.02 billion US dollars by 2021 worldwide. Shockingly minors are also a part of this platform. Poker platforms need to incorporate adequate age verification mechanisms to validate the age of consumers before granting them access to their websites. This will prevent the addiction to gambling games among minors.

Adult R Rated Games

These video games involve gun violence, adult content, and foul language. Access to these games is suitable for adults and it will have a bad influence on minor’s mental health. The ESRB and PEGI age rating systems define details regarding games suitable for mature, teen, and adult games. While various games involve aggressive content, the adoption of age verification becomes necessary to protect minors. 


Minor’s can easily dodge captchas and checkboxes to gain access to adult-oriented products and services. Mere requesting your customer to enter the date of birth details is not enough. Minors can fake their age by entering above their age limit. So what does a business needs to prevent minors from accessing their adult-oriented products?. The answer is reliable age verification system.

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