
How You Can Make Theme More Powerful

If you are using premium WordPress WordPressWooCommerce themes, here is how you can make them more powerful. You will find these links helpful, follow them and enjoy your wp eCommerce site.

1.  Speed is very important for online stores as no one likes to wait for the page to load. If your site takes more than 3 seconds to load then 50 percent of visitors will leave the store without completing the task they have come for. A fast-loading theme can increase conversions by 30%. For this look at WP Ultimate Optimize, it will help speed up your website by compressing images, combining CSS files, minifying javascript, etc. You can test its performance with the free version and then buy the full one with lifetime updates.

2.  For better SEO you need to optimize your images. For this look at WP Smush, it will smush, rename and resize your images all in one go. It works on JPEGs and PNGs and actually compresses them removing all metadata (EXIF tags). The best part is that it does not make any changes to the image quality like most other image compression plugins do.

3.  Now that you have made your website fast and optimized it for search engines, let’s see how we can give an extra edge to its design with CSS Hero. It’s a plugin that lets you add different elements using CSS without writing any code. It has 20 pre-defined CSS modules like mega menu, animated headings, etc. You can also create your own style sheets by choosing the elements and colors you want.

4.  For Google Analytics, there are many plugins available but for eCommerce sites, I recommend Monster Insights. It is very easy to install and use, which is why I like it more than others. You can create goals to track sales, add promo codes (to track the success rate of different offers), define custom variables, etc. For detailed tracking go to settings>advanced>click on “add another tracker”

5. Next comes security for your website, if you have a lot of products then hackers would love to attack your site to insert spam links. So to protect your site install Wordfence. Once activated go to Wordfence>options and click on “more options” inside the firewall. Enable live traffic in the section, here you can also schedule scans. For maximum protection keep it to scan hourly.

6. If you want a split test for different banners etc then look at WooCommerce Visual Hook Guide. It works by displaying a popup on product pages asking for user ratings which helps bring conversions up as people interact with it. This plugin is still new so it’s not available on WordPress but you can get it from Codecanyon, follow the instructions given below:

7.  When a visitor lands at your store they will have different expectations from products depending upon where they found your site. For example, if they found you through an ad then they would want free shipping, but if you are popular among social media users then expect more shares (social proof), if the visitors come by chance then seeing client logos will make them trust you, etc. Now to manage all these expectations install WooCommerce Notification Bar. If your shipping is free don’t show messages asking for likes, vice versa display messages like “share this product” on paid products, etc.

8. If you have Google Analytics installed and Wordfence too then user actions can be tracked using GA Event Tracking. It lets you track events like downloads, signups, outbound links, etc which can improve conversions greatly. To track conversions look at Wishpond, it has a social media contest app that you can use instead of prize giveaways.

9. For good-looking buttons install WooCommerce Pretty Links. It creates links like you shop now for all the products on your store, what more it also removes affiliate IDs or tracking parameters which are usually added to URLs. So your product pages will have clean URLs without any weird symbols etc.

10. Now that you know how to improve the design and performance of an eCommerce site let’s look at some tips specific to WordPressWooCommerce Themes. First create coupon codes on Product>coupon codes, here you can customize them with their appearance on the cart page, checkout page along with email templates, etc. Next comes social sharing on product pages, this is automatically enabled if fishpond is installed. To manage user reviews install WooCommerce Product Reviews , here you can control the number of stars, order by date etc.

By Flame Of Trend

Flameoftrend is the world’s largest, most popular trend community. We leverage big data, human researchers to identify consumer insights and deep dive opportunities for the world’s most innovative companies, with our research.

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