Pets & Animals

How To Protect Your Furry Companions From Deadly Parasites

What is the description of Advocate?

Advocate is an easy-to-use spot-on product that kills parasites, worms, and lice all in one application. It is advised to use advocate for cats and dogs.

Which parasites does advocate treat?

Advocate for cats and dogs eliminates fleas, pest larvae, ringworm, and roundworms, as well as treating ear mite infestations and preventing heartworm. Advocate also eliminates whipworm as well as the possibly lethal lungworm in canines and cures stinging lice. It is also helpful against the following two mites, Demodex and Sarcoptes, which cause distinct types of scabies.

What are the components?

Imidacloprid, which quickly spreads over your companion’s skin and kills bugs and lice on encounter, is one of Advocate’s bioactive constituents.

Moxidectin is a toxin that enters the bloodstream after being ingested via the pet’s coat. It moves to the stomach, where it encounters intestinal worms. Such worms are rendered immobile and passed through the faeces.

Things to be Kept In Mind

  • Tick and worm management should be done every year for your companion and your household.
  • Flea stings can aggravate your pet’s epidermis and induce a sensitivity, making a wide-ranging impact on skin illness.
  • Persons can be bitten by the cat flea, which commonly infects cats, canines, and rodents.
  • Fleas pass through different carriers for one kind of parasite, thus keeping them under control can help decrease the risk.
  • Certain worms that afflict animals can also transmit the virus among humans, causing significant sickness in some cases.
  • Toxocariasis, which could also lead to vision loss in humans, is one of the risks.
  • By touching a pet’s fur, humans may be able to catch worm eggs.
  • Infections can lead to sickness, loss of weight, a thinning coat, nausea, and diarrhoea.

Infections That Can Be Prevented By an Advocate for Cats


Fleas are the most prevalent parasites found in domesticated pets. Dogs, cats, and ferrets are all infested by the feline flea. Pests in their initial phases of development can be discovered in rugs and pet clothing.


External mites, such as ear bugs, irritate the skin and can be spread through intimate contact. Crawling mites like Demodex and Sarcoptes bury their larvae just beneath the top layer of skin, causing two separate kinds of disease.


Nibbling lice are little, flightless insects that measure between 2 and 4 millimetres in length. The most typical indicator of lice infestation is an unkempt and brittle coat.


Intestinal parasites feast on the fluids of the gut. Worm eggs are collected from infected dirt. Roundworms could also be acquired through the breastmilk in kittens and puppies. If infected, spreading roundworm eggs can cause harm to the unaided eye.


They start eating by attaching to the intestinal walls. Larvae can also be taken up from polluted soils and can mature quickly into grownups in your companion’s intestines, taking as few as 2 weeks.


It is a mosquito-borne disease that affects dogs, cats, and ferrets. Heartworms grow in the circulation, then mature into adults in the afflicted individual’s atrium, where they can be deadly.


They receive blood by embedding their heads in the membrane of the dog’s bowel. The rear end’s whipping movement causes more harm to the stomach lining. Whipworms are most commonly found in canines.


It is a severe hazard to the environment. Lungworm is a parasitic infection that affects dogs. Adult lungworms dwell in the core and main blood veins that feed the lungs, where they can induce a variety of issues. The condition can be lethal if it remains unaddressed.

Some Tips For Pet Owners

Pets may carry a variety of illnesses that can affect humans. In the clinic, the animal health staff are trained about how to protect pets from developing infections. Here are some things you can do at home to minimise the chances of illness acquisition and safeguard your pet and human household members.

1. Make sure your hands are clean.

Handwashing may appear to be a no-brainer, but it is critical in avoiding the transmission of infection. Hands should always be washed or sanitised.

2. Keep a close eye on how you’re washing your hands.

Use water and soap to clean your hands, or perhaps an alcohol-based sanitiser to disinfect them. Fingers, nails, or between knuckles are by far the most commonly overlooked places.

3. Defend your dogs against illness.

Immunise your pet according to their habits and surroundings.

  • Control fleas, ticks, and intestinal parasites using veterinary-recommended insect, bug, and intestinal worm treatments.
  • Avoid giving your companion bad food, tainted water, or dirt that may carry bacteria, pathogens, or infestations from the other mammals.
  • Garbage pails should be adequately covered.
  • Pets should not be allowed to consume from communal water dishes.
  • Offering your cat a raw-meat meal is not recommended.

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