
Getting To Grips With The Pros And Cons Of Medicare Plans

Did you know that healthcare costs are more widely variable and higher overall for citizens with poorer health?

No matter if you have preexisting conditions or you’re in the best shape of your life, reliable and affordable healthcare is essential.

Are you on the fence about getting a Medicare plan? Keep reading to learn all about the pros and cons of Medicare plans.

1. Pro: It’s Affordable

When weighing the pros and cons of Medicare for all, it’s good to remember that Medicare has reasonable costs from month to month for most people. Not only is Part B of the plan under $150 a month, but Part A doesn’t come with any premium.

You can begin to see how great of a deal the cost is when you calculate how much money you’re saving. The exact savings would be determined by what you would have to pay out-of-pocket for your usual care, including medications, operations, and more.

2. Con: Hospital Stays Are Expensive

While Medicare can allow you to save a lot of money on most things, hospital stays are often expensive no matter what. This problem is made worse by the fact that a lot of Medicare patients are staying in hospitals without much need for it.

Not only can this complicate hospital operations but it can also put a sizeable strain on your wallet.

3. Pro: You Can Get More Coverage

As we continue to break down the pros and cons of Medicare Advantage plans, you’ll be glad to know that this plan gives you an option for further coverage.

The way you can do this is by getting your Medicare Plan C through a reliable third party. These private insurance companies can provide you with all the benefits found in Plan A and Plan B and then some. For instance, you can get extra coverage relating to vision, dental, and even hearing.

4. Con: Taxes Are Higher

Part of Medicare is funded by taxpayer money. The current rate is almost 3%, although this figure is shared in part by employees and employers.

However, an additional percentage point is tacked on for those who earn over $200,000 a year.

5. Pro: More People Have Coverage

One of the best benefits of Medicare is that more people than ever are having the opportunity to get health coverage.

From elders to young adults with special needs, millions of people have signed up for one or more plans. Simply put, this makes the pros and cons of a Medicare Advantage plan worth it.

Ready to Weigh the Pros and Cons of Medicare?

Now that you’ve learned all about the pros and cons of Medicare plans, you can decide which one suits your needs the best. After all, health insurance is a necessity and it would be tragic if you didn’t have any coverage at all.

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A Complete Guide To Taking A Substance Abuse Evaluation

We all make mistakes, right?

When it comes to mistakes including drug and alcohol use, though, we need to be somewhat circumspect. The number of deaths due to drug overdose has spiked in recent years, with over 70,000 Americans losing their lives in 2019. Governments and numerous institutions are battling to curb this sad statistic.

Have you found yourself in a position where you are required to complete a substance abuse evaluation? If so, what can you expect?

Let’s explore this together.

What Is a Substance Abuse Evaluation?

A substance abuse evaluation is generally mandated in situations where a person has broken the law. Perhaps they have been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They may have been caught in possession of illegal substances, or are minors in possession of alcohol.

However, these assessments can also be voluntarily undertaken if an individual is seeking help in overcoming drug and alcohol dependency. This is especially true when it starts affecting their home life, their health, and financial security.

Evaluations like these serve to determine if there is a substance abuse problem, and if so, what the scale of the problem is. Professionals will explore the type of substance used, the family, social and health situation of the person, and various other personal matters.

Ultimately, its purpose is to assist the person on the road to recovery by providing the most effective treatment plan.

Screening Processes

All evaluations will begin with a screening process. These vary depending on the individual and the substance used, the most common being:

  • Alcohol Use Inventory (AUI)
  • Substance Abuse Subtle Screening (SASSI)
  • CAGE questionnaire
  • Brief Screener for Alcohol Tobacco, and Other Drugs (BSTAD)
  • Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs (TAPS)

There are several ways of conducting a drug and alcohol evaluation online which many prefer when starting down this road.

While the screening methods vary, the purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of the problem and where the person is, mentally and emotionally. These tools provide a jump-off point for the next step in a substance abuse evaluation.


Based on the results of the screening tests, an experienced medical professional will conduct an assessment. Again, various interview methods are used according to the situation. The aim of the interview is to get a deeper understanding of the individual’s lifestyle, medical, or mental health challenges. They may want to engage with family members to ensure that they have a complete picture.

Treatment Recommendations

Once the assessment has been concluded, trained professionals consult for treatment recommendations. Social workers and doctors work alongside counselors and psychologists to develop a recovery plan. The best results come from tailored programs that take into consideration each individual’s unique history.

Don’t Delay

If you or a close friend or family member are struggling with addictions that are affecting the quality of your life, then don’t wait. A substance use evaluation is the critical first step in identifying disorders that can ultimately prove fatal. Recovery is possible with the right care.

If you’ve found this article helpful, we’d like to encourage you to look into our other conversations on health, lifestyle, and living in this modern age.


The Incredible Benefits Of Telemedicine

Did you know that the number of Americans without a primary physician has been decreasing over the years? It’s understandable—the healthcare system is complex, and it can easily overwhelm new patients.

However, healthcare is adapting to our digitally-driven world. Telemedicine is growing in popularity among patients, and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.

But is telemedicine all that different from in-person visits? And is it really the right move for you?

We’re here to fill you in. Keep reading below for a few of the biggest benefits of telemedicine.

Offers Lower Costs

One of the most appealing advantages of telemedicine is the fact that it’s often cheaper than in-person visits. This can be even more important for patients who are uninsured and required to pay out of pocket.

Supports Patients in Rural Areas

There are many areas of the U.S. that lack adequate medical facilities. With telemedicine, these communities can get healthcare without traveling hours to see a specialist.

Even more specialized and hands-on practices can be accessed through a telemedicine visit. Telecardiology is a great example. If a local hospital lacks an on-site cardiologist, they can send a patient’s tests to a cardiologist, who can then contact the patient remotely and relay their findings.

Widens Your Options

Let’s face it—it can be difficult to find a doctor you really click with. One of the benefits of telemedicine is that it offers a larger pool of doctors to choose from.

That means you can work with a well-reviewed doctor in a different state without worrying about travel. This can be especially important for patients looking for ultra-specialized professionals that aren’t available in their area.

Accommodates Disabled and Elderly Patients

Disabled and elderly patients often have trouble visiting brick-and-mortar medical facilities. Even the most advanced facilities often fail to make access easy for those who need extra assistance.

With telemedicine, patients can receive care in the comfort of their own homes. This can be extremely helpful for patients with physical impairments or extreme anxiety disorders. Elderly patients who require chaperones to drive them to appointments also benefit from stay-at-home appointments.

Creates a Safer Atmosphere

When you walk into a doctor’s office, you never know what types of pathogens you’re exposing yourself to. With telemedicine, you won’t have to worry about catching anything from fellow patients.

It also protects others from any pathogens you may be a carrier of. This means your provider will also be safer, ensuring they’ll be able to stay well and provide all of their patients with optimal service.

Embrace the Benefits of Telemedicine

Advanced technology has made it easier than ever to connect with an online doctor in seconds. If you’re planning your next doctor visit, consider the benefits of telemedicine above to see if it’s right for you!

Looking for more? Check out the rest of our website for extra health tips, along with everything from fashion trends to travel guides to home improvement tricks!


Consultant Questions: What Is A Child Care Nurse Consultant?

A childcare business has an overwhelming amount of responsibilities. One of the most important is preserving the health and well-being of the children in your care. It’s nearly impossible to handle all the health and wellness issues without professional oversight. Ensure confidence by bringing a nursing consultant on board.

Are you interested in hiring a child care nurse consultant? You’re probably wondering what a child care nurse does and how they could benefit your company. Read on to learn more.

The Role of a Child Care Consultant

A child care nurse promotes a healthy, safe environment for the children and staff. They provide referrals, community resource contact information, and consulting services. Maternal child nursing care also involves working closely with healthcare providers, families, and childcare staff. A nurse consultant aims to:

  • Provide educations on health and safety
  • Develop community partnerships
  • Help parents and providers learn about asthma
  • Works to increase immunizations
  • Provide development screening tools and consultation
  • Provide support to those caring for children with special needs
  • Promotes healthy eating and increased activity for children
  • Helps ensure safe play areas
  • Ensures babies sleep safely
  • Work with providers to create health and safety regulations/standards
  • Visits childcare facilities
  • Consult on emergency preparedness

A child care nurse consultant will ensure a child is able to participate fully in the childcare program. They make sure the child’s needs are met, reduce the chance of injury, and decrease the spread of illnesses. Preventative care is facilitated as well, with the aim to educate and keep children and staff healthy.

A Child Care Nurse Consultant’s Network

They can consult on-site or by phone, depending on what’s needed within the program. A maternal child nursing consultant works with a team of professionals who have access to a wide range of information. Nurse consultants must maintain strong professional relationships with:

  • Local public health staff
  • Child care teachers
  • Parents and guardians
  • Resource referral agencies
  • Clinicians
  • State child care health consultants
  • NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children)

By connecting the right people, they create a rich health network for children and staff. A child care consultant also teaches in-services and classes to ECEs (early childcare educators). Nursing care classes include CPR, first aid, diabetes, EpiPen, seizures, medications, and general health and safety.

What Skills Do They Bring to the Table?

Being experts in developmental and health milestones, they understand children’s needs in a childcare environment. They consult on children with special needs and provide information and recommendations on accommodating them. Being consultants, they don’t play a regulating role.

Certification and/or degree requirements depend on where you are located geographically. RN nursing care of children is available. ATI nursing care means they’ve passed the ATI. There are several levels of education and specific fees associated with each.

Helping Kids Stay Safe and Healthy

A child care nurse is an invaluable resource and a wealth of knowledge. They can put parents, children, and staff at ease during scary times such as these. By bringing their network together for the sake of a child’s well-being, that child will grow up healthier, both mentally and physically.

If you enjoyed this article, check out more on our blog.


What Is The Arthrostim And How Does It Work?

According to the American Chiropractic Association, chiropractors treat 35 million Americans each year.

If you are thinking about going to the chiropractor, you may have heard about an ArthroStim treatment.

But what is this weird handheld instrument? Keep reading to find out how it works and the benefits of using it!

What Is an ArthroStim Adjustment?

An ArthoStim is a chiropractic instrument that chiropractors use to help treat their patients. The ArthoStim creates a force on your body, and the chiropractor moves it around to make sure you get the best treatment. In fact, the device can give you a few ounces of pressure up to forty pounds.

Many people don’t like going to the chiropractor because they don’t like the sound or feeling of their joints or trigger points being popped.

However, with ArthroStim, you’ll feel completely comfortable because you won’t hear any cracking or popping sounds.

During the treatment, your chiropractor can adjust the amount of pressure depending on where they’re working on your body.

Because the machine is smaller, it can help chiropractors reach harder places as well.

How Does It Work?

If you enjoy the Koren specific technique, then you’ll love the ArthroStim instrument.

The adjustment will target neural receptors in an affected area. When it does this, the receptor will send a nerve impulse to your brain to let you know what’s going on.

When the brain receives that signal, it will send out self-correcting commands to help heal your body.

Who Should Get This Treatment?

If you don’t have high pain tolerance, this treatment would be perfect for you since they can adjust the treatment.

It is more gentle and doesn’t cause any pain, so it can also be great for the elderly, children, or even infants.

If you are experiencing acute pain, you may not want to have a manual adjustment, so you could opt for this option instead. Even if you don’t have acute pain, some people just don’t enjoy being adjusted manually.

It can also be great for people who are stronger or larger because it can be difficult to do a manual adjustment on them.

What Are the Benefits?

Using this method of adjustment can be great because it’ll give you dramatic and quick results.

It’ll also feel more comfortable since it’s non-invasive and virtually painless. It doesn’t have a lot of force unless you want it, but it’s also precise and targets the right areas.

Many people who suffer from arthritis also say that it could help to relieve their pain.

When many people receive this treatment, they say that they feel more relaxed, at ease, and have a better overall sense of wellbeing.

Learn More About How ArthroStim Works

These are only a few things to know about how ArthroStim works, but there are many more things to keep in mind.

We know that going to a chiropractor can seem scary at first, but we’re here to help put you at ease.

If you enjoyed reading this article, make sure that you explore our website to find more articles just like this one!


Your Perfect Smile: Porcelain Veneers Vs Invisalign

Are you looking for a movie star smile? Most people don’t have the perfect smile of their dreams unless they’ve won the genetic lottery or kept up with post-braces retainer use. Why not fix up your smile now?

When you’re trying to figure out what treatment option is best for you, you might be seeing things like Invisalign and porcelain veneers. Which is right for your situation?

We’re here to help you make your decision. Keep reading to learn all about each of these treatment options.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a type of treatment that uses clear aligners to slowly adjust teeth over time until they’re in an ideal position.

When you go in for your consultation, the dental health professional will scan your mouth and take an x-ray. They’ll send this information to Invisalign so you can get custom aligners.

For people who are using Invisalign for cosmetic purposes alone (meaning people who don’t have significant problems with their teeth), Invisalign doesn’t take too long and the Invisalign cost is often reasonable.

Who Is Invisalign For?

Most of the time, people who get Invisalign do so through an orthodontist to fix misalignment and bite problems. Invisalign is an alternative to braces.

That said, some people will go to a cosmetic dentist instead. If this is the case, it means that they don’t have any bite problems and they only want to adjust the appearance of their teeth.

In other words, Invisalign can be for people who are focused on aesthetics, but it can also handle serious jaw and tooth problems.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are common. You’ve seen them in countless celebrity smiles, but more and more “average” people are opting for this option.

When you get veneers, your cosmetic dentist will shave off some of the surfaces of your tooth to create a more adhesive space. They’ll measure your teeth to make custom veneers that they’ll then use to cover the natural tooth.

Veneers are instant once applied by the best cosmetic dentist (though you will have to wait for them).

Who Are Porcelain Veneers For?

Unlike Invisalign, veneers are only for aesthetics. While they may help to protect your teeth, by using veneers instead of Invisalign, you’re making an aesthetic change rather than a change to your oral health.

People who get veneers often have straight and healthy teeth but they may not be happy with the size, shape, or color of these teeth.

They want to fix a smile without braces and they want immediate results.

How Will You Get Your Perfect Smile?

Whether you want to focus on aesthetics or serious orthodontic care, your perfect smile is on the horizon. How will you get it?

If you’re still not sure, talk to your local dentist or orthodontist today about your options. They’ll help you figure out which one is right for you so you can get the smile of your dreams.

For more helpful articles all about health, beauty, and more, visit the rest of our site.


Are you concerned about your current weight?

You are not alone, since 50% of American adults attempt weight loss each year. Aside from having a balanced diet, exercising helps shed more pounds. It burns calories while strengthening your body.

However, if it’s your first time considering diet and exercise, you’ll have no idea where to start. In this guide, we’ll teach you about exercises for weight loss. Read on and live a healthier life now:

1. Walking

Walking is convenient and easy for beginners. It allows you to exercise without spending money on complex equipment. If you walk, you’re unlikely to stress your joints because it’s low-impact.

If you weigh around 155 lbs, walking burns around 167 calories every half hour. It’s easy to add this exercise to your daily activities. Avoid taking the elevators and walk around during your lunch breaks.

2. Jogging and Running

These exercises seem similar, but their primary difference is the pace. Jogging is moving from 4 to 6 mph. Meanwhile, you must move at least six mph to achieve a running pace.

Aside from burning twice the calories compared to walking, these exercises burn belly fat. It prevents heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses.

Consider jogging for half an hour, at least thrice a week. If it’s too hard on your joints, run on grass since they have a softer surface.

3. Cycling

Modern technology like stationary bikes allows you to cycle indoors. Depending on your pace, you can burn as much as 298 calories per half hour. You reap these benefits regardless of your fitness level.

Cycling is a low-impact, non-weight-bearing exercise. You won’t put too much strain on your joints to reap its benefits.

As you cycle around, your body becomes more sensitive to insulin. It lowers your risk of developing heart diseases and cancer.

4. Weight Training

If you want to lose weight and build strength, weight training is your best bet. It promotes muscle growth, causing your resting metabolic rate to rise. With that, you’ll continue burning calories even at rest.

Doing 11 minutes of strength-based routines will increase your metabolic rate by 7.4%. You’ll burn around 125 calories more each day.

However, weight training is more effective in men. If you train for 24 weeks, your metabolic rate increases by 9%. For women, the rate is around 4%.

Do you want alternative exercises for weight loss? Check out the linked guide to learn about rebounding now.

5. Swimming

Swimming is one of the best exercises for weight loss. It’s fun and becomes more effective depending on your preferred stroke. If you do butterfly strokes, expect to burn around 400 calories every 30 minutes.

Like walking, swimming is a low-impact exercise. It’s easier on your joints, allowing you to exercise even with joint pain or minor injuries.

Start Exercises for Weight Loss Now

These are some of the best exercises for weight loss. They only take 30 minutes at most, allowing you to do them before or after work.

However, exercising is only half the battle. Eat healthier food items to ensure your weight loss success.

Is this guide helpful? Visit our website for more.


How to Get Perfect Skin: 10 Important Tips

Are you tired of dealing with stubborn acne? Do you dream of having flawless and clear skin? By following some handy skincare tips, you can get the results you want!

When you don’t know what you’re doing, getting started can get confusing. After all, there are so many products and steps to be aware of. But luckily, we’re here to help you! For example, did you know that Korean skincare brands like BEAUTY OF JOSEON use natural ingredients free from harsh chemicals to create clear and natural looking skin.

If you want to learn how to get perfect skin, keep reading.

1. Combine the Types of Masks You Use

Do you ever use face masks? Get the most from them by combining two or three to address multiple skin concerns at once. Nobody ever said you’re limited to one kind at a time!

2. Apply Sunscreen Every Single Day

One of the best tips for beautiful skin is to wear sunscreen daily. Even if it’s cloudy, winter, or you’re not even going outdoors, put some on. It’s the key to fighting sunspots and signs of aging!

3. Stop Sleeping With Makeup On

It doesn’t matter how tired you are or how late at night it is. Don’t go to sleep with your makeup on! Skipping the rest of your routine is fine, but at least wash off any cosmetics.

4. Give Your Products Time to Absorb

When applying your skincare products, wait at least two to three minutes in between them. They need time to absorb into your skin thoroughly to achieve the best results!

5. Avoid Popping Any Pimples

If you want to know how to get smooth skin, you must stop this bad habit. Popping pimples causes more bacteria to spread around your face, which could lead to more spots. Plus, popping can cause acne scars.

6. Find a Moisturizer for Your Skin Type

No matter what your skin type is, use a moisturizer. Hydrated skin is always happy skin!

7. Watch What You’re Eating and Drinking

For some people, greasy or sugary foods can create skin concerns. Dairy is often a culprit, too. Be mindful of your diet if you want to get beautiful skin.

Skincare experts suggest taking vitamins, too. One even said, ” I tried Rae’s Vegan Collagen Boost for 30 days and already see an improvement in my skin!”

8. Don’t Touch Your Face Often

Your hands come into contact with countless germs and bacteria every minute. Avoid transferring it to your face because it only leads to more breakouts.

9. Give Active Ingredients Time to Work

This is one of those skincare tips that are hard to follow. But, you can’t expect instant results overnight from any of your skincare products. Instead of tossing them after a week of trying, give them up to two months to take effect.

10. Use a Gentle Chemical Exfoliator

If you’re wondering how to get smooth skin, add a chemical exfoliator to your routine. It will promote healthy and glowing skin by removing old and dead layers. Chemical exfoliants are less abrasive than physical ones, too.

Remember How to Get Perfect Skin

Getting beautiful skin doesn’t have to be impossible. If you need to learn how to get perfect skin, just keep these tips in mind! By incorporating some into your skincare routine, you’ll have improvements like never before.

Looking for more skincare guides? Browse around our website — we have you covered!


What Are The Health Benefits Of Doing Morning Stretches?

Did you know that doctors suggest you stretch at least three times a week? Stretching is often an activity that gets lost in the shuffle of all the rest. However, when done right, it has the power to benefit your life.

In order to get in the habit of stretching, do so in the morning time after you wake up. It will not only benefit your morning routine but help you throughout the day as you work and accomplish other tasks.

So, with this guide, you can find out the benefits of stretching in the morning. From stimulating your mind to reducing stress, you can determine if morning stretches are right for you!

Now, are you ready to get started? Here’s an in-depth look at the advantages of stretching in the morning:

It Gets You Energized For the Day

This has to be the best benefit of stretching in the morning! After lying down to sleep for the night, your muscles are at rest. When you wake up, you need to get your blood pumping, and what better way to do so than have a nice stretch.

Stretching after a night’s rest will take away any stiffness your body may still have since you’re elongating your muscles. Plus, it will energize your body and motivate you to get started with your day.

In fact, you may notice that stretching even makes your body perform better throughout the day. For example, you’ll be able to walk faster or stand for long periods of time without your legs hurting. This is because your body is energized and thus is able to accomplish more activity for longer periods of time without becoming tired.

Now to get you going, here are a few stretches that are known for energizing the body:

  • The full-body stretch
  • The crossbody twist
  • Walking plank
  • Straddle stretch

Helps Stimulate Your Mind

Stretching not only activates your body but also stimulates your brain. By stretching after a good night’s rest, you’ll increase blood flow to your brain, helping you wake up and increasing your concentration. That way, you can function better throughout the day.

Rather than be in a fog, you can start the day with a motivating spirit that helps you accomplish your daily tasks and pushes you to finish the day strong.

If you want to stretch to stimulate your mind, make sure you stretch for at least five to ten minutes. That will give your body ample time to wake up and get started for the day.

Now, if you want to get going, here are a few stretches to stimulate your brain in the morning:

  • 3 or 4 Jumping jacks
  • Bridge pose
  • A set of planks

Prevents Lower Back Pain and Other Injuries

Have you ever slept on your shoulder wrong or twisted your back in your sleep? Well, instead of sucking up the pain, stretch it out. After all, stretching is used to protect your muscles from injury.

So after you wake up, if you feel discomfort from sleeping, just do a few stretches to relieve the pain. Stretching will not only decrease the tension on your spine, but it will reduce other body stiffness by pumping blood to your muscles. Stretching thus warms your muscles up so your body can relax and loosen.

In fact, by loosening your body, you’ll have greater mobility which will allow you to do everyday tasks easily and without pain. Therefore, you’ll prevent injuries throughout the day because your muscles are loose and are less likely to strain.

Now, to get you started, here are a few stretches to prevent lower back pain:

  • Knee to chest stretch
  • Standing back arch
  • Cat-cow stretch
  • Pelvic tilt

Improves Your Back Posture

Do you notice that you have poor posture? Don’t worry; everyone slouches from time to time, but if your muscles are starting to cause you discomfort, that’s when it can become a problem.

You may want to look at how you sit when you do your daily tasks. Do you slouch your shoulders or hunch over? How about lean in an uncomfortable way? All of those positions can affect your posture and result in muscle pain.

In fact, if you spend 30 minutes or more looking at a computer with your head forward and shoulders rounded, you can cause your muscles to tighten. Now, tight muscles are notorious for causing poor posture.

So to improve your posture, stretch in the morning to help your muscles loosen up. This will allow you to have more mobility during the day, so you don’t feel tight or be in pain.

Here are few stretches you can try to improve your posture:

  • Child’s pose
  • Standing cat-cow
  • Cheating opener
  • High plank

Reduces Soreness

Do you experience muscle soreness due to working out or overexerting yourself? Well, then we have the perfect solution for you. Rather than taking ibuprofen, stretch it out.

Stretching can help alleviate pulled muscles and muscle strains. After all, when you’re injured, the muscles around the injury will tense up as a protective response.

During that time, you may feel added pain and discomfort throughout your muscles. In fact, you may realize that you can’t do certain tasks as comfortably or easily as before since your muscles are so tight.

However, the best way to reduce such soreness is to stretch in the morning. Since it will loosen your muscles and relax your body, you’ll feel greater relief throughout the day.

Now, if you want to get started, here are a few stretches that reduce soreness:

  • Downward dog
  • Seated forward fold
  • Groin stretch
  • Seated spinal twist

Increases Your Flexibility

Stretching in the morning is crucial to prevent the loss of motion. Depending on your daily routine, whether you sit in an office all day or travel for work, you might be already affecting your range of motion without realizing it. Stretching when you wake up is similar to stretching after a long day’s work; it will help you to reverse the avid wear and tear on your muscles.

By loosening your muscles, you’ll gain more flexibility in which you can do more tasks easily and more efficiently. As a result, you’ll be in less pain and prevent additional injuries from occurring.

Not to mention, you can become stronger too! Since your muscles will no longer be tight, you’ll be able to lift more without your muscles buckling under the pressure; how cool is that?

Now, if you want to start stretching, here are some stretches to increase your flexibility:

  • Standing hamstring stretch
  • Triceps stretch
  • Figure four stretch
  • Frog stretch

Reduces Stress

Oftentimes when you experience stress, your muscles will tense up. Stretching in the morning will reduce your stress levels simply by relaxing your muscles. Now it’s best if you focus your stretching on the parts of your body that hold your stress the most; for many people, that includes the shoulders, lower back, or even the neck.

However, stretching to relieve stress doesn’t always mean stretching the parts of the body that hurt. In fact, some people work on areas that make them insecure to reduce stress and anxiety for themselves. In this article, you can read more about that practice.

Although keep in mind there’s more to stretching than moving your body. A big part of stretching is actually focusing on calming the mind.

So if you practice mindfulness or even meditation along with your stretches, you’ll give your mind a much-needed break. It will not only relax your mind but put your body in a peaceful state.

If you want to get started, here are a few stretches that decrease stress:

  • Seated spinal twist
  • Happy baby
  • Rotational neck stretch
  • Lower trunk rotation

Wreak the Benefits of Morning Stretches Today

Stretching tends to be an afterthought in today’s fast-paced world. However, if you take a second and focus on elongating your muscles, you’ll notice that it can do wonders for both your emotional and physical health.

Start by focusing on the muscles that seem tight, whether that is where you hold your stress, like in your back or neck or if you slept on your shoulder wrong. Focus on loosening those muscles to help reduce pain, increase flexibility and prevent further injury.

Stretching can be an energizing activity that helps revitalize not only your body but also your brain. So what are you waiting for? Start stretching today!

Now, for more information, about morning stretches, visit our website. We look forward to helping you!


The Common Types Of Dementia: An Informative Guide

Did you know that over 55 million people worldwide live with dementia? Even though dementia mainly affects people over 65, it is not a normal part of aging.

Dementia has a significant impact on the physical, social, and psychological aspects of life, not only for the person with dementia but for family members too.

It’s essential to get educated on the types of dementia, as well as the treatments available, so you can help those who need it the most.

In this guide, you’ll learn more about the different types of dementia as well as the symptoms, causes, and treatments.

What Is Dementia?

The term dementia describes specific symptoms that affect thinking, memory, and social abilities. Over time, dementia causes a deterioration in cognitive function that eventually severely impacts your daily life.

Eventually, the capacity to learn, make sound judgments, and control emotions begin to lapse, and people even lose the ability to care for themselves properly.

Causes of Dementia

Dementia is caused when there is damage to the nerve cells and connections in the brain. Protein build-up in the brain is also a common cause of certain types of dementia like Alzheimer’s disease. Certain neurodegenerative diseases can cause lead to dementia, such as:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Certain types of multiple sclerosis

In addition, conditions that affect the circulation in your brain can lead to dementia. A traumatic brain injury, central nervous system infections, or long-term alcohol use can also lead to dementia.

Sometimes some conditions lead to dementia that resolves once the condition is treated. Certain vitamin deficiencies, low blood sugar, tumors, or substance abuse can cause imbalances in the body, causing dementia.

Symptoms of Dementia

Symptoms of dementia vary depending on the severity and type of dementia. Most often, the first sign of dementia is memory loss. Other symptoms include:

  • Difficulty communicating and finding the right words to say
  • Getting lost easily in familiar locations
  • Difficulty solving problems
  • Difficulty with complex tasks
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Personality changes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

People also often experience agitation, hallucinations and start to behave inappropriately. If you notice you’re having trouble remembering things, it’s essential to see your doctor and find out the cause.

Types of Dementia

One of the most common kinds of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. With Alzheimer’s disease, the connections between the cells in the brain are lost, and as a result, they begin to shrink and die.

Dementia with Lewy bodies is a type of dementia where Lewy body proteins. Lewy body dementia affects both the brain and body. It causes muscle weakness, rigidity, and severe memory impairment.

Other types of dementia include:

  • Huntington’s disease
  • Frontotemporal dementia
  • Parkinson’s disease dementia
  • Vascular dementia
  • Creutizfeldt-Jakob Disease

Dementia Treatment

Most of the time, there is no cure for dementia, but treatments are available to improve symptoms and improve quality of life. Medications like Exelon work by boosting up the chemicals for memory and judgment.

Other medications work to enhance memory, as well as medications to treat symptoms like depression and insomnia.

A crucial part of treatment is occupational therapy, changing the environment to reduce clutter, and finding support. Programs like Rare Dementia Support offer social, emotional, and daily living support services for people living with certain types of dementia.

Hope for Dementia

A dementia diagnosis is life-changing, but there is help out there available for all types of dementia. Remember, you aren’t alone, and there are plenty of reasons to stay positive and hopeful.

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