
What You Should Know About Spray On Mineral Sunscreen 

If you look at the sunscreen market right now, you’ll find a wide selection of spray on mineral sunscreen products and that’s not by accident either. They are really simple and quick to use, allowing you to get on with your day. However, don’t assume that all products of this type are the same. 

What you absolutely shouldn’t find in a spray sunscreen is titanium dioxide, because while it is effective at reflecting away UV rays in a lotion, when sprayed, the particles are so tiny that the risk of inhalation goes up dramatically. And when inhaled, this can cause certain lung issues.

That said, this chemical compound is perfectly safe for use in lotions, as there’s no vapor involved. If you go for a reputable brand like Blue Lizard, you’ll almost certainly see that it’s not in the list of ingredients. 

Good Spray On Mineral Sunscreen Nourishes As It Protects

When your skin is exposed to UV rays, there’s a tendency for it to become dry and the great thing about mineral spray sunscreens is that the best brands help to hydrate the skin and nourish it while they protect. Ingredients like sunflower oil, shea butter, vitamin E and aloe vera help to provide everything the skin needs to remain moisturized.

Something else you should definitely take into account when purchasing a mineral sunscreen spray is that it provides broad spectrum protection. Broad spectrum coverage basically means that it protects the skin against both UVA & UVB rays – a vital factor. 

This is important because UVA and UVB rays are all around us, most of the time and even when it’s cloudy. UVB rays can’t make it through cloud and fog, but UVA rays can. Sure, they’re not quite so influential in causing sunburn, but if you’re exposed to them without spray on mineral sunscreen to protect you, they will still damage your skin. 

Non-Aerosol Products Protect the Planet 

Another important factor when deciding on your chosen spray on sunscreen brand is the kind of propellant that’s used to provide the spray action. Even though modern-day aerosols are CFC-free, there are still some that contain isobutane that’s known to contribute to global warming. 

The best brands have a focus on their environmental impact, so be sure that you go for a product that uses a pump-action spray bottle, rather than anything that uses harmful aerosols. 

Sweat & Water Resistance

The last thing we look at in our blog is the need to think about how you might be using your spray sunscreen. For instance, are you just heading out to the beach or do you intend to go swimming? If so, you’re going to need a product that is sweat and water resistant.

If the product you buy doesn’t offer this, then you risk exposure, as fluid can limit the protection provided if it’s not reapplied. It will need to be reapplied anyway after 2-3 hours, but when you get wet, the protection time can drop dramatically. 

No Two Spray On Mineral Sunscreen Products Are Identical

Your takeaway from reading this little blog should be that it’s not wise to think of all spray mineral sunscreens offering the same benefits. There are a lot of variables at work and the formulas used can vary greatly. It’s not a subject you should take lightly either, as your skin and that of your family is at stake. 

So, make sure you do your research and look for the qualities we’ve mentioned here today. Do that and you’ll go a long way to find the ideal product for your needs.

For more valuable information visit this website

By Flame Of Trend

Flameoftrend is the world’s largest, most popular trend community. We leverage big data, human researchers to identify consumer insights and deep dive opportunities for the world’s most innovative companies, with our research.

3 replies on “What You Should Know About Spray On Mineral Sunscreen ”

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